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At Waste, I helped grow irregular project work for Euro Millions into social across all of Lotto, Euro Millions, Good Causes and TNL.

From rethinking and redesigning how TNL announced its winners on social channels (big cheques held up by people no one cares about) to maintaining a steady drum beat of positive, inherently social and engaging posts, we saw results and sentiment shift upwards across the board.

#IAmTeamGB Case Study

We needed to support a wider ATL campaign around the Rio Olympics in 2016, reminding people that by playing the National Lottery, you were helping fund the TeamGB athletes and could feel doubly proud of their success. In effect, enabling players to feel inclusive so they could say #IAmTeamGB.

Maximizing on an existing partnership with Getty, we delivered bespoke Team GB 'medal moment' social content overnight in time for the UK to engage with over breakfast. We picked the best success story from the day's events, found the right image and brought it to life with simple animation so that Camelot was the first brand to break the good news on social as the UK woke up and checked their feed.


We racked up over 10 million views and TNL received over 20,000 mentions across Twitter and Facebook - more than three times as many as the number two brand, Nissan, with just under 6,000 – all the more amazing for a brand without official ambassadorial deals being agreed.

The overall goal to boost the public's awareness of the role played by lottery funding in Team GB's success nearly doubled, rising from 28% before the campaign, to 54% after it launched. There was also an uplift in sentiment, with 68% of National Lottery players saying they felt more positive about the brand.

These results all meant Rio 2016 was the most successful social campaign Camelot had ever run.

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A new piece of thinking by AMVBBDO identified that when players win on Lotto, they invariably give a portion away to family, friends, and a surprising amount of people and institutions on the periphery of our lives. 

Our job was to support this proposition throughout the year and keep people both dreaming of winning, believing they could (through proof of regular winners) and imagining who would benefit if they did indeed win.

We did two one day shoots, with five film edits each, driving a 30% engagement rate and over 1.1 million views.

Who Wins If You Win?

Who Wins If You Win?

In between the two shoots, we also produced a number of regular posts using lower cost .gifs which we knew would appeal to our audience on social.

We times these over the the Christmas period and key cultural moments, allowing us to single out different groups of recipients of Lotto wins - Dads, work mates, teachers, women who had inspired you, and of course besties.

These performed even better, with 39% engagement rate and 3.2 millijon views.

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