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I'm personally useless with finance, but I spent six months at StartJG leading the creative on the agency's biggest account, Barclays. They figured, if I could make sense of it for myself, I could make sense of it for everyone.

My role was to develop the creative expression for large products and projects, oversee idea generation and execution for individual campaigns, and ensure brand consistency, messaging and communication.

I worked on a range of customer and internal facing projects, both global and local - and the omni-channel output across each. Everything from huddle packs and leaflets, to trying to tackle a new global strap line that encapsulated all the social and community initiatives (Digital Eagles, Life Skills) stemming from the bank. Much of the internal work remains confidential.


A lovely campaign by the lead creative team of Chesca Ruta and Bianca Pal, showing how the values within Barclays - Respect, Integrity, Service, Excellence, Stewardship - haven't changed in its 365 year history, through stories of its staff and customers.

Barclays Pingit - National Lottery

Other highlights include work around the sponsorship of Pride in London (relevant to Barclays' commitment to diversity and inclusion); the work celebrating Barclays 325 anniversary and the values, yesterday and today, that have run through the company and its employees; announcing the ability to buy your lottery ticket with Pingit; and the creative around Barclays' direct investment platform which I sadly can't show here.

Barclay's Pride

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